Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hiking the Grand Canyon - The Corridor Trails

From the Actor
I was fortunate enough to hike the Grand Canyon for the first time in 1993. Like many people I took my camcorder along and like a few unsuspecting souls I returned home hooked by the Canyon - and determined to make a video about it.

Hiking through the Grand Canyon is like exploring the rooms of an ancient castle in a dream. Even at a hiker's pace the rooms come so fast, and each is so magnificent that the experience begins to run together. Turn a corner, step through a doorway - it changes - you forget the last room and marvel at the new. Lost in the fascination of this experience you begin hurry from room to room and just as you begin to realize you're missing something - the rock walls of the castle turn to mist and vanish. Ahead you see that the security lights of civilization have driven away the mist of the castle - you have arrived at your destination and the dream has ended. For most of us - too soon.

It's my sincere hope that this video will provide hikers and non-hikers alike with a sense of the Grand Canyon below the rim. For hikers - this sense should enhance their visit. For non-hikers this sense should expand their appreciation of the Grand Canyon beyond the awe we all feel when we stand on the rim.

Ken McNamara
June 2000

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