Thursday, May 29, 2008

PON XVII/2008 di Kaltim : Panjat Tebing Pertahankan Tradisi

JOGJA -- Kendati tampil dengan jumlah atlet lebih kecil dibanding sebelumnya, Pengprov FPTI berupaya mempertahankan tradisi sebagai penyumbang medali emas bagi Kontingen DIY, dalam PON XVII/2008, di Kaltim, 6-17 Juli mendatang.
Menurut pelatih tim Pelatda PON XVII/2008 panjat tebing DIY, Nurochman Rosyid didampingi Asisten Topan Faizal Rizal kepada Bernas Jogja, di lokasi latihan komplek Gembira Loka, Sabtu (5/4), dalam multi even empat tahunan tingkat nasional kali ini, tercatat hanya lima atlet, terdiri atas empat putri dan satu putra, yang berhasil lolos sesuai kriteria KONI, yaitu Agung Etti Hendrawati, Murjayanti, Tri Suryani, Fitriyani dan Sultoni Sulaeman.
Dengan kekuatan lima atlet itu, tim panjat tebing DIY dijadwalkan tampil dalam 13 kategori dari 21 medali emas yang diperebutkan di arena PON XVII/2008. Selanjutnya, dari 13 kategori yang diikuti, delapan kategori di antaranya mempunyai peluang untuk mendulang medali. "Delapan peluang itulah yang sekarang terus kami genjot, sehingga nantinya mampu menghasilkan prestasi optimal," jelas Nurochman seraya menambahkan, andalan terbesar memang berasal dari atlet putri.
Sedangkan delapan kategori yang menjadi andalan, meliputi lead perorangan putri dan lead berantai putri, speed perorangan putra-putri dan beregu putri, boulder perorangan dan beregu putri serta campuran. Untuk lebih memantapkan penampilan tim panjat tebing DIY, dua atlet yang menjadi andalan dijadwalkan melakukan try out dalam Asian X-Games, di Shanghai Cina, akhir April mendatang, yaitu Etti Hendrawati dan Sultoni Sulaeman. (rob)
sumber :


06/03/2008 08:37:22 YOGYA (KR) - Kabupaten Sleman menjadi penyumbang atlet terbanyak dalam Kontingen DIY, pada PON XVII yang akan dilangsungkan mulai 6 hingga 17 Juli, di Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim), dengan 65 atlet dan ofisial. Kemudian disusul Kota Yogya dengan 53 atlet, Bantul 32, serta Kulonprogo 4 dan Gunungkidul seorang atlet.
Seperti diungkapkan Sekum KONI DIY Ir Bambang Kartika yang didampingi Bendahara KMT A Tirtodiningrat kepada wartawan di ruang kerjanya, Selasa (4/3), jumlah tersebut di atas dengan total 156 terdiri dari 105 atlet dan 51 ofisial, yang terdiri dari manajer, pelatih, asisten pelatih, dan mekanik.
“Memang masih ada cabor judo yang sampai saat ini masih konfirmasi ke PB PJSI, dan cabang tenis yang belum Pra PON. Namun jumlah itu dapat dikatakan hampir pasti, karena tinggal menunggu dua cabang tersebut. Dan semua yang tertuang dalam SK tersebut sudah sesuai dengan evaluasi dari hasil Pra PON,” papar Bambang Kartika.
Nama-nama mereka tersebut ditambahkan Tirtodiningrat, sudah dituangkan dalam surat keputusan (SK) KONI DIY, dengan nomor 04/KONI/2008, tertanggal 28 Februari 2008 yang ditandatangani Ketua Umum Ir HM Dasron Hamid MSc. Jumlah tersebut terdiri dari 23 cabang olahraga yang resmi lolos PON, dan masuk dalam kriteria kelolosan KONI DIY.
Adapun nama-nama atlet, terdiri dari cabang olahraga: Aeromodeling: Tono P dan Joko Pamungkas (atlet) serta Tunjung (ofisial). Atletik: Zakaria Malik, Daryanti, Feri Krisnawan (atlet), Eddy Purnomo MKes, Hadi Wacono, Eka Yunianta SPd, Prihadi SA, (ofisial). Balap Motor: Irwan Ardiansyah, Hendriansyah, Floreanus Roy, Dedy Permadi, Sudarmono (atlet), Drs H Julisetiono, Endy WS (ofisial).
Balap Sepeda: Samai, Wawan S Budi, Matnur, Didit Purwanto, M Taufik, Purwantoro, Nugroho Kristianto, Riska Agustin, Doan Saputra, Dian Sofiatun, Andreas Cherianto, Rastra Patria, Nur Warsito, Nurhayati (atlet), Sugihyawan, Dadang HP, M Basri, Syarif Hidayat (ofisial). Biliar: Lafitri Panca Wardani (atlet), LH Warastoto (ofisial). Binaraga: Yudhistira (atlet), Wayan (ofisial).
Bolavoli: Miko Fajar Bramantyo, Andri Widiatmoko, Martono, Sunarwan, Anto Bertiawan, Ramsil Huda, Prasetyawan, M Zaenudin, Makruf Herlambang, Koko Prasetyo D, Raditya Mahendra, Heru Yuana (atlet). Putut Marhaento, Wasit Widodo, Ir Wahyono H, Catur Wahyudi SPd (ofisial). Bolavoli Pasir: Suratno, Dian Putra Santosa (atlet), Drs Djoko Sutrisno, Danang Agus (ofisial).
Dansa: Ronny Kristianto, Ivanna Wahyudi (atlet), Dian Dwinita (ofisial),
Gantole: A Munandar (atlet), Ir RH Sroewono (ofisial). Judo: Ismail Alamsyah (atlet), RL Tobing (ofisial). Karate: Fitriyadi, Roy (atlet), Irwansyah Ginting SE (ofisial). Kempo: Chrisna Sari D, Ashari Ridho I, Helmi Yanuar DP (atlet), Udin Isnaeni, RM Darundiyo (ofisial).
Menembak: Niken Darjanti, Indriawati, Henny Octa W, Theodorus Nugroho, Winda Lubara, Rusdianto (atlet), Sibastian L, Sylvia Gani (ofisial). Panahan: Rachmat Sulistyawan, Ciptadi Setya Wibowo, Sumarno, Istiqomah, Supadmi, Sukarsih (atlet), KPH Darmodipuro, Sukarto BA, Sriyono SPd (ofisial).
Panjat Tebing: A Etti Hendrawati, Murjayanti, Sultoni Sulaiman, Tri Suryani, Fitriyani (atlet), Nurochman Rosyid, Topan Faizal Rizal (ofisial). Pencak Silat: Hari Wibowo, Erna Suryanti (atlet), Slamet Latanggang, Awan Hariono (ofisial). Renang Indah: Winnie Mayasari, Kirana Budi Astari, Putri Yanindha Sari, Pratiwi Adhiati, Dea Vania Putri, Claudia Megawati, Noreen Anisya Ismail (atlet), Dapan MKes, Ragil Sugirestu A, Tetraningsih (ofisial).
Senam: Tri Handayani, Fajar Tri Asmara (atlet), Ratna SPd (ofisial). Sepatu Roda: Pramestiara, Agus Widodo, Anindya Wening M, Y Ardito, Ageng Cahya, Zaki Oktania Z, Sugeng Laksono (atlet), Ir Masda Siwi, Astana Heriawan, Alek (ofisial). Taekwondo: Gerry R Vega, Dana Kristianda, Nurina Sundoro, Lia Karina M, Fitriana Mansur, Meylan Simamora (atlet), Sumartono, Huhu Martono, Hardiyanto (ofisial).
Terbang Layang: Ninang Siwiyono, Kelik Triyana, Lilis Khrisnawati, Erna Ervina Lona, Heri Rudianto, Listiani, Aris (atlet), Wahyu A Djoya, Catur Sudarmadi, Sasmito Hadi (ofisial). Terjun Payung: Endang Dwi S, Agus Riyanti (atlet), Drs Yulianto, Munaji SPd (ofisial). Wushu: Vania RI, Ivana Al, Felicia AM, Cindy Sutanto, Julius Yoga K, Toni Setiawan (atlet), Santi Eka Kurniati, Andi S (ofisial). (Tyo)-d
Sumber :

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Persiapan Simulasi Kompetisi Ala FPTI Sleman

Minggu 25 mei 2008, Pengcab FPTi Sleman mengirimkan 10 Atlet terbaiknya untuk mengikuti simulasi kompetisi yang diadakan oleh Pengda DIY guna mendukung persiapan TIM PON DIY yang mempertandingkan rintisan. Walaupun masih kalah kelas dibanding TIM Pon DIY, namun tidak menjadi kendala untuk tetap semangat dan berusaha bersaing memenangkan kompetisi. Oleh karena itu, berdasarkan evaluasi yang dilaksanakan hari selasa 27 Mei 2008 kemaren, TIm Sleman akan mempersiapkan diri lebih baik lagi dalam menghadapi TIM PON DIY hari Minggu 1 Juni 2008 mendatang.
Diantaranya pemantapan Ofisial TIM, Latihan bersama di Papan Boulder Mapagama hari ini, kamis 29 Mei 2008 dan dukungan lainnya oleh manajemen pengurus FPTI Sleman. Walaupun hanya sebuah simulasi, TIM Panjat Tebing Sleman tetap akan tampil ngotot, ibarat pepatah "keringat cucuran badan, akhirnya emas juga yang diharapkan". Yang kira-kira klo atlet berjuang keras bersimbah keringat dari badannya dalam latihan, insya allah harapan untuk mendapatkan emas di kompetisi yang sesungguhnya.
Selamat belajar, berlatih dan berjuang lebih keras lagi kawan!!!! Semoga mendapatkan prestasi yang setimpal dimasa mendatang.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

News From : Repeat Crusher Sean McColl and Edmonton Local Thirza Carpenter Top MEC Canadian Bouldering Nationals

By Chris Danielson

Photos by Knut Rokne
For the third consecutive year, Canadian wunderkind Sean McColl took top spot at the Tour De Bloc Bouldering Championships this past weekend (May 18, 2008), having little challenge defeating a strong field of contenders. With McColl a bit under the weather prior to the comp, there was early reverberation that top Edmonton locals Terry Paholek and Marshal German might be able to dethrone McColl. Paholek's exceptional style and technique and German's pure power, grit, and determination earned them 2nd and 3rd respectively, topping two of five boulders each. But McColl could not be outdone, sending all the finals problems, with a stunning flash of the fifth and final boulder. The problem had seen most other competitors struggling through a pinch and heel-hook power section to reach a set up for a monstrous and incredibly difficult final throw, but McColl campused through the bottom, and dispatched the double-clutch jump with apparent ease — an awed and screaming crowd cheering the ascent.
More info Click here

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Petzl Tibloc Ultralight Ascender 8-11mm Ropes

Product Description
The Petzl Tibloc Ultralight Ascender serves so many purposes that it has a place on nearly any long rock climb, aid climb, or alpine climb. This simple 1.4-ounce ascender pairs with an oval-stock carabiner to create a self-locking pulley for bag hauling, crevasse rescue, or aiding a partner up a pitch. It can also be used as an ascender if you need to climb a rope to free a rappel or just can't follow a burly pitch. The Petzl Tibloc Ultralight Ascender also serves a multitude of uses in self-rescue situations.

Product Features
  • Body Material: Aluminum
  • Cam Material: Aluminum
  • Fits Rope Sizes: 8-11mm
  • Recommended Use: Rock climbing, aid climbing, glacier travel, mountaineering, self
  • rescue
  • Weight: 1.4oz (39g)
  • Warranty: 3 Years

Sejumput Magnesium : Refleksi 14 tahun FPTI DIY

“...,bukan spesies yang terkuat dan tercerdas yang menguasai bumi ini,
tetapi spesies yang responsive terhadap perubahan.”
(Charles Darwin)

Tanggal 24 Mei hari ini, genap 14 tahun FPTI D.I. Yogyakarta berdiri. Bukanlah waktu yang pendek untuk dilalui. Secara organisasi ini, FPTI DIY telah di pimpin oleh Ketua Umum sebanyak 4 kali, terhitung sejak 1994 Asep Komarulloh (1994 – 1997)Ketua Harian yang merangkap Ketua Umum pertama, lalu Bambang Poespo (1997 – 2001), Agus Wiyarto (2001 - 2005) dan sekarang Bunda Asiyah Rais (2005 – 2009).

FPTI DIY mempunyai banyak yang FPTI lainnya belum tentu punya. Sebut saja, Pengda FPTI di Indonesia yang banyak mewarnai tata aturan organisasi FPTI, penyelenggaraan even kompetisi panjat tebing yang paling direkomendasikan dan di tunggu, Pengda yang paling aktif berkonsolidasi dengan PENGDA FPTI daerah lain, legenda pemanjat Putri Indonesia yang telah masuk ke Buku Legenda Atlit KONI PUSAT, A. Etti Hendrawati, prestasinya telah mencapai kelas dunia, sumbangsih medalinya tak cukup disebutkan satu persatu di sini, aktifitas penggiat panjat tebing alam yang hidup dan paling aktif di Indonesia hingga situs pemanjatan tebing alam yang tersebar di banyak di DIY dan salah satunya terkenal se - Asia. Disadari ataupun tidak, tanpa perlu mengesampingkan Pengda FPTI yang lain, Ya, FPTI DIY merupakan barometer panjat tebing di Tanah Air, hingga saat ini.

Sebuah fenomena yang menarik saat ini, panjat tebing di Jogja cukup menjual. Ini bisa dibuktikan dengan banyaknya pemanjat daerah lain yang berlatih di sini, baik pemanjat sport maupun petualangan. Sudah terhitung 3 tahun terakhir ini, Jogja menjadi tempat tujuan pemusatan latihan daerah lain baik untuk latih tanding dan hingga sekedar refreshing Tim Pelatdanya. Sebut saja pelatda panjat tebing BABEL, KALBAR, RIAU, JAWA TENGAH, JAWA TIMUR, dan yang akan menyusul Pelatda Panjat Tebing Kepulauan RIAU.

Tapi apakah hanya cukup dengan pencapaian tersebut? Barometer panjat tebing Tanah Air? Mengingat “gegap gempita”nya panjat tebing di Jogja menyusut 5 tahun terakhir ini. Banyak pemanjat yang ‘gagap’ dengan semakin banyaknya pembangunan fasilitas dinding panjat di kota ini, jauh sekali perbandingannya saat keinginan membangun wall climbing di kampus-kampus akan di presentasikan. Begitu terbangun, teronggok begitu saja..setelah 2-3 kali even kompetisi, sesudah itu terhenti. Tengok saja wall climbing PENGDA FPTI DIY yang di lokasi Kebon Binatang Gembira Loka, segelintir saja pemanjat yang beraktifitas latihan disana, itupun dengan label PELATDA. Saya nggak tahu kenapa banyak pemanjat yang tidak berlatih disana. Mungkin prosedur yang berbelit untuk masuk dan latihan, rasa sungkan karena di pakai secara khusus oleh Tim PELATDA, atau mungkin bentuk dukungan kepada tim pelatda PON supaya tenang, nayaman dan fokus dalam berlatih. Tapi setelah PON usai, bagaimana dengan latihan disana?

Ini merupakan pertanyaan besar, dan perlu “kerja” guna menjawabnya. FPTI DIY hingga 14 tahun ini juga bingung bukan kepalang. Ternyata setelah sekian tahun, pekerjaan ini bukan hanya usai begitu saja. Masih ada tantangan, hambatan dan harapan kedepannya. Sekarang organisasi FPTI telah bertranformasi sedemikian rupa, tuntutan ini mutlak karena FPTI sekarang eksistensinya di dunia sudah terakui. Contoh perubahan drastis itu, sebelum MUNASLUB FPTI tahun 2005, roh AD/ART FPTI menyangkut keanggotaan adalah “semua pemanjat tebing di Indonesia otomatis menjadi angota FPTI” (suka maupun tidak), sekarang, anggota FPTI adalah Klub yang mendaftar secara sukarela ke FPTI. Hal ini sama seperti keanggotaan FPTI ke badan dunia seperti UIAA, IFSC dan SEACF (untuk Asia Tenggara).

Hak keanggotaan ini sangat luas, yang intinya setiap anggota berhak mengikuti semua kegiatan FPTI, dan hingga mewakili FPTI baik di nasional hingga internasional selain hak-hak yang lain yang tentunya hak ini juga di imbangi dengan pemenuhan kewajiban selaku anggota FPTI.

Lalu untuk apa sebenarnya FPTI itu ada? Jawabnya FPTI ada untuk berbicara pada lini “safety”. Yang selanjutnya diartikan secara kurang lebih sebagai badan atau organisasi yang diakui pemerintah untuk mengawasi, membina segala aktifitas panjat tebing di Indonesia . Rekomendasi tingkat keamanaan dalam aktifitas petualangan baik segi manajemen, peralatan, SDA dan hingga SDM yang berbau panjat tebing adalah kewenangan FPTI. Ini adalah tanggung jawab yang luar biasa besar. Terlebih, eksistensi organisasi seperti FPTI ini juga mempunyai payung hukum UU sistem keolahragaan tahun 2005, lengkaplah tanggungjawab FPTI dalam memajukan kegiatan panjat tebing yang di bagi dalam 3 bab besar, panjat tebing olahraga prestasi, panjat tebing olahraga pendidikan dan panjat tebing kegiatan rekresasi. Khususnya FPTI DIY yang sekarang bersiap untuk mengarah ke situ.

Kemana FPTI DIY melangkah dahulu dan sekarang sangat jauh berbeda. Sistem keanggotaan yang berubah dari person pemanjat, sekarang keanggotaan adalah klub. Dulu bergerak tanpa payung hukum yang jelas, sekarang sudah. Dahulu tidak ada kepentingan pemerintah terhadap kegiatan panjat tebing, sekarang besar sekali kepentingan pemerintah terhadap aktifitas ini, mulai dari sisi pendidikan, olahraga prestasi hingga rekreasi.

Saya teringat ucapan Mas Setiawan Djody (mantan Ketua Umum PP FPTI ke dua) pada pembukaan MUNAS FPTI 2007, “waktu saya (Mas Djody) memimpin FPTI, saya melihat panjat tebing adalah “life style” dan itu adalah apresiasi saya kepada para pemanjat tebing, ini adalah hal yang luar biasa dalam memimpin FPTI. Sekarang saya lebih takjub lagi terhadap FPTI, perkembangan panjat tebing yang dulunya hanya sebuah “life style” sekarang tidak lagi. Sekarang panjat tebing adalah “our soul”, ya tepatnya seperti itu, OUR SOUL” ucap Mas Djody lantang. Panjat tebing adalah “jiwa raga kami”, saya sependapat dengan Mas Djody dalam memandang panjat tebing sekarang.

FPTI DIY telah melakukan banyak dan memiliki banyak, namun sekarang terasa kurang. Melihat PENGDA FPTI lainnya telah bergerak cepat mengejar ketinggalan bahkan ada yang maju pesat 5 tahun terakhir ini, membuat roda FPTI DIY terasa berjalan lambat.

14 tahun berdiri, progresnya sangat sedikit. Terkesan terhenti. Prestasi kita semakin banyak disusul oleh daerah lainnya, organisasi kita semakin menyusut, pembahurauan kita berjalan di tempat. Siapkah kita dengan tantangan kedepan? Ini seperti mengendarai “VW combi” di jalan bebas hambatan, yang menharuskan memacu kendaraan kita minimal 80km/jam. Siapkah kita, saya, dan kamu para pemanjat sekalian?
Karena “VW” kita ini hanya nyaman berjalan perlahan.

Genggam erat,

Robert Antonius

Friday, May 23, 2008

Petzl Hirundos Climbing Harness

Product Description
Frame Construction technology is pushed to the maximum. An ultralight and super compact harness for maximum climbing performance. Four gear loops won't limit this harness to short sport climbs. Frame Construction with breathable monofilament mesh evenly distributes pressure, providing maximum support and comfort. Woven polyester mesh on the inside of the harness wicks moisture for improved comfort and speeds drying in wet conditions. Rigid, inclined 3D front gear loops for easy access to gear; flexible rear loops stay out of the way while wearing a pack. CE/UIAA certified. Weight: Small - 9.9oz (280g); Medium 10.6oz (300g); Large 11.1oz (315g).

10 Atlet Terbaik Hasil SPT Sleman VS Atlet Pelatda PON Yogyakarta

Untuk mendukung persiapan atlet PON D.I Yogyakarta, 10 atlet terbaik Sleman hasil seleksi di ajang Sirkuit Panjat Tebing Seri 1 dan 2 dikirim mengikuti simulasi kompetisi di Wall Pengda DIY yang berlokasi di Kebun Binatang Gembira Loka. Rencananya akan berlangsung  5 kali setiap hari minggu pagi jam 8.00 sd 13.00 menjelang keberangkatan TIM PON Panjat Tebing DIY ke Kaltim Juli mendatang.

Adapun pengiriman atlet akan dilakukan bergantian berdasarkan peringkat berjalan yang dimiliki oleh para atlet, sehingga diharapkan selain membantu persiapan TIM PON DIY, juga memberikan bekal pengalaman bertanding bagi atlet yunior Sleman. Oleh karena itu, yang dikirim tidak semata-mata TIM Senior, namun juga disisipi beberapa atlet yunior.

Beberapa Atlet yang akan dikirim untuk minggu pertama 25 mei 2008 adalah Bayu dar pantarhei, Eko Ahmad Zainal Abidin dari MCTC, Heru Pramuji dari Madawirna, M Riza Iskak dari Gorilla, Vita Ery Oktaviani dari Madawirna dan Priska Mestikaning dari Hancala. Semuanya merupakan peringkat terbaik di klasnya.

Tim akan dipimpin langsung oleh Kepala Biro Pelatih FPTI Sleman yaitu Mahendra didampingi asisten pelatih Sangaju Abie Dharma. Akhirnya selamat bertanding bagi temen-temen atlet Sleman dan semoga bermanfaat bagi atlet sleman dan juga atlet pelatda PON DIY.

Camp Coral Climbing Harness

Product Description
Lightweight padded harness for ski mountaineering, alpinism and expeditions. Designed to open completely so it can be taken off without removing bulky boots, crampons or skis. Flat Link elastic which flushes the elastic connecting the waist to the legs in the back tight against the body to eliminate snagging.

Black Diamond Momentum AL Harness Package

Product Description
It's time to start climbing, but you don't want to buy all new gear in a couple seasons. Start out with the Black Diamond Momentum AL Harness Package instead. In addition to a well-padded, versatile Momentum AL harness, this Black Diamond package also includes a large locking carabiner and ATC belay device that you'll use for years. Of course, you get a Black Diamond chalk bag and enough chalk to last all spring

Chaos Harness by Black Diamond

Product Description
Eying long routes and lengthy belays, the compression molded Black Diamond Chaos utilizes a bullhorn shaped waistbelt to upgrade lumbar support This high-end harness uses laminated foam in the waistbelt and leg loops to give you a custom fit for all-day comfort Features: Pairing an anti-abrasion exterior and wicking interior, its textiles withstand demanding big walls or testy sport routes Cushy padding around your lower torso is kind on your kidneys while padded leg loops ensure comfort during those lengthy belay sessions Four traditional gear loops hold gear in an organized fashion Specifications: Weight: 1 lb 1 oz Haul loop: yes Gear loops: 4 Padded leg loops: yes Droppable leg loops: noSpecifications based on size Medium

Corax II Harness 1 by Petzl

Petzl Calidris Climbing Harness

Product Description
Comfortable and ventilated adjustable harness for extended periods of hanging. The wide waist belt and leg loops of the new CALIDRIS provide all the comfort, support and ventilation needed for long aid routes and other activities requiring extended periods of hanging (cleaning and equipping routes, etc). Lightweight and comfortable, with large gear-carrying capacity, the CALIDRIS is perfect for big wall climbing. In addition, it's sized to fit larger users (largest size range of all Petzl harnesses) for all types of climbing. Tie-in points are reinforced for increased resistance to abrasion caused by the rope. Elastic slots with tabs to tuck away excess waist belt webbing. Flat webbing reinforcement in waist belt & leg loops offers increased comfort when hanging. 3-year manufacturer's guarantee. Weight: Size 1 560 g / 19.7 oz; Size 2 - 630 g / 22.2 oz. SIZING: SIZE 1 - Waist 65 - 95 cm / 27.6 - 37.4 in, Legs 48 - 60 cm / 18.9 - 23.7 in. SIZE 2 - Waist 83 - 110 cm / 32.7 - 43.3 in, Legs 56 - 70 cm / 22 - 27.6 in.

Black Diamond Chaos Harness

Product Description
If your standard day on the rock includes muti-pitch routes and hanging belays, the comfort of the Black Diamond Chaos Harness is perfect for you. The waist belt is wider than any other in the BD line and has a bullhorn shape for more comfortable hanging belays and increased freedom of movement. The waist belt also features in-molded vents, which increase air flow on hot days. Four gear loops easily hold your trad rack, and a full-strength haul loop lets you trail a line so you can rap off when you finish the route. Strap on the Chaos, and climb until the treetops look like broccoli.


Product Description
The Black Diamond Primrose Package comes with a Primrose AL women's climbing harness, ATC belay device, BD locking carabiner, BD chalk bag and BD chalk. Return Policy: Climbing equipment sales are final. In order to guarantee the life saving integrity of the climbing gear we sell -- cannot accept returns on any life safety climbing or mountaineering equipment. black diamond harness package womens , black diamond harness package women's , black diamond ladies harness package , black diamond primrose harness package , black diamond harness package , black diamond climber kit , black diamond climber's kit , black diamond climbers kit , Black diamond primrose climbers package , black diamond primrose climber's package , Primrose harness package , Primrose harness kit , primrose climbing gear , primrose harness , primrose harnesses , women's primrose harness , women's primrose harnesses , womens primrose harness , womens primrose harnesses , harness package , harness kit , climbing harness , climbing gear , climbing kit , climbing accessories , rock climbing , mountain climbing , mountaineering

Alpine Bod Harness - Youth by Black Diamond

Product Description
Black Diamond's classic Alpine Bod harness, sized to fit kids ages 8-12, is easy and comfortable for your little dudes to use and it has a wide fit range for quick growing sprouts Recommended for top-roping only Features: Adjustable waist belt and leg loops provide a large fit range for kids Wide waist belt and leg loops are supportive and comfortable Quick-release leg loop buckles allow leg loops to be dropped Belay loop is full-strength and color-coded red for easy identification Traditional gear loops for easy racking and access to gear Harness is heavy-duty and all-purpose; in kids' size is recommended for top-roping only ONE SIZE to fits kids ages 8 to 12 Specifications: Weight: 13 ounces Haul loop: no Gear loops: 2 Padded leg loops: no Droppable leg loops: yes

Focus AL Climbing Harness by Black Diamond

Product Description
With adjustable, droppable leg loops and a more comfortable waistbelt,the Black Diamond Focus AL allows unrestricted freedom of movement as well as being supportive and comfortable This harness has every feature needed for sport, trad, big wall, ice, even ski mountaineering, but is low in cost Features: Adjustable leg loops mean a you'll be able to get a great fit and ensures that you won't need to remove crampons or skis to put the harness on Wide bullhorn-shaped waistbelt with 7 mm closed-cell foam padding provides support, cool comfort, and unrestricted movement Rack your gear easily with the traditional gear loops You'll have extra strength in the reinforced haul and belay loops Adjust the fit easily with the sleek and lightweight Aerospace-engineered buckle Specifications: Weight: 16 ounces Haul loop: yes Gear loops: 4 Padded waist: yes Padded leg loops: yes Droppable leg loops: yesSpecifications based on size Medium

Petzl Adjama Climbing Harness

Product Description
Rock climbing harness with adjustable leg loops. Easy-to-adjust leg loops mean this harness is great for ice climbing and mountaineering in addition to cragging and route climbing. Low bulk and flexible rear gear loops prevent the waist belt from interfering while wearing a pack. Reinforced tie-in points for increased durability in this high-wear area. Perforated closed cell foam on lep loops increases breathability. CE/UIAA certified. Weight: Small - 14.8oz (420g); Medium 15.4oz (435g); Large 16.2oz (460g).

Petzl Sama Harness - Men's

Product Description
Petzl uses perforated foam padding and a mesh lining to make the Sama Harness incredibly breathable and to help you stay comfortable on really hot days. Of course, the Sama Harness keeps all the features that make Petzl harnesses so popular. The pre-threaded DoubleBack buckle adjusts quickly without the need to re-thread. Elastic leg loops stay in place while you heel hook your way to the anchors, and they also drop to let you take care of business on a long climb. The Sama Harness also includes pre-formed gear loops to keep your rack organized and within easy reach.

Black Diamond Blizzard Harness

Product Description
With compression-molded waistbelt and leg loops, the Blizzard offers all-season versatility and helps lessen the suffer factor when youre working routes, chilling at a semi-hanging belay or doing the multi-pitch thing. Comes with an Ice Clipper and nine slots for more racking options. Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL. Weight: 485 g/1 lb. 1 oz. (size M) XS Waist: 28-33" (71-79 cm) Legs: 21-25" (53-64 cm) S Waist: 30-35" (76-89 cm) Legs: 22-26" (55-66 cm) M Waist: 32-37" (81-94 cm) Legs: 23-27" (58-69 cm) L Waist: 34-39" (85-99 cm) Legs: 24-28" (61-71 cm) XL Waist: 36-41" (91-104 cm) Legs: 25-29" (58-74 cm)

Voyager Harness by BlueWater Ropes

Product Description
The Voyager Harness from BlueWater is a versatile, one-size-fits-all harness constructed from 2 inch webbing It's the logical choice for schools, training, first-timers, and large groups who need a quality harness that will fit anyone Features: Specifications: Weight: 17 ounces Belay loop: yes Gear loops: no Padded waist: no Padded leg loops: no Droppable leg loops: no

Focus Speed Climbing Harness by Black Diamond


Product Description
An excellent choice for trad climbing in the desert or multi-pitch alpine climbing, the Black Diamond Focus Speed harness has pre-threaded Speed Buckles on the waist and legs that don't require doubling back, making it super-easy to add or remove layers and still keep the harness fitted correctly Features: Get support, cool comfort and unrestricted movement from wide and unique bullhorn-shaped waistbelt with 7 millimeter closed-cell foam padding Rack your gear easily on the functional, traditional gear loops You'll have increased strength with the haul and belay loops Specifications: Weight: 157 ounces Haul loop: yes Gear loops: 4 Padded waist: yes Padded leg loops: yes Droppable leg loops: yes

Selena Harness - Women's by Petzl

Product Description
Blending simplicity with an ergonomic women's specific design, the exceptionally lightweight and versatile Selena Harness from Petzl provides unobstructed freedom of movement and comfort for any mountain and rock climbing applications Features: A breathable foam waist belt and thick foam leg loops that are designed specifically for a womans body offer all-day comfort that won't create hotspots Ensure your harness is properly closed thanks to the DoubleBack buckles that are pre-threaded and adjust quickly with a single pull Keep your leg loops in place without cutting into your legs to the elasticized leg loops have a large range of expansion for correct fit Two rigid, inclined front gear loops for easy access to gear; flexible rear loops stay out of the way while wearing a pack Green belay loop helps users identify proper tie-in to attachment point 2 CARITOOL slots Specifications: Weight: 138 ounces Haul loop: no Gear loops: 4 Padded leg loops: Yes Droppable leg loops: NoSpecifications based on size Medium

R320 Harness - Men's by ARCTERYX


Product Description
Designed on the principle that the entire structure of your harness should be load-bearing, the R320 harness from ARCTERYX uses revolutionary Warp Strength Technology to create a hyper-light, ultra-thin, and surprisingly comfortable way to keep yourself protected on the rock Created to be a jack of all trades, this harness switches easily between trad and sport climbs Features: For an ultra-strong, seamless harness that distributes pressure over the entire harness area, WST uses only the horizontal fibers of fabric Feel like you're wearing practically nothing thanks to Schoeller Dynamic and Spacermesh linings Suit up and go to the self-locking aluminum buckle secures quickly Get the perfect fit without worry in the elasticized leg loops Know it's time to replace your harness when orange Wear Safety Markers show through Hang the gear you need off of the four injection-molded, reversible, removable gear loops Take care of business easily thanks to the drop seat Store your harness safely in the included collectible tin Specifications: Weight: 114 ounces Haul loop: yes Gear loops: 4 Padded waist: yes Padded leg loops: yes Droppable leg loops: yes

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Black Diamond Momentum Harness

Product Description
The Black Diamond Momentum Harness provides excellent comfort for sport and trad climbing while leaving you with enough money to rack up. Four molded loops carry your gear up everything from the warm-up at your sport crag to multi-pitch trad routes on alpine walls. The Momentum Harness is comfortable enough for hanging belays, and its bullhorn shape ensures it won't interfere with your climbing.

C.A.M.P. USA Topaz - one size

Product Description
The perfect harness for beginners, groups and guiding. One-size-fits-all padded harness with single tie-in point and fast adjust buckles that eliminate the need to double back. The perfect harness for beginners, groups and guiding.

Petzl Corax Harness

Product Description
Gravity series -Light and comfortable with adjustable leg loops. The same uncompromising harness as the Corvus, but with adjustable leg loops -- a great feature for those who venture out in both winter and summer. The small buckles of the adjustable leg loops are barely noticeable. Specs : Double Back buckle system Delta System leg loops 4 rigid Fast Forward gear loops Size 1 Waist: 60-88 cm/23.6-34.6 in. Thigh: 44-57 cm/17.3-22.4 in. Weight: 510 g/17.2 oz. Standards : CE - EN 12 227 - UIAA Size 2 Waist: 75-101 cm/29.5-39.8 in. Thigh: 50-67 cm/19.7-26.4 in. Weight: 510 g/17.2 oz. Standards : CE - EN 12 227 - UIAA

Monkey Kid'S Harness

Product Description
This full body kid's harness from Singing Rock is designed to prevent upside-down falls. Extremely adjustable to fit almost all youth sizes. Rugged construction and the best value on the market. Comes with mesh bag for easy storage. Weight: 260 grams Gear

Black Diamond Wiz Kid Harness - one size - Yellow

Product Description

Designed to be a mini version of our new Momentum Harness, the Wiz Kid has all of the comfort and durability of other Black Diamond harnesses. With fixed gear loops and a belay loop, the Wiz Kids modern styling allows a child to climb alongside his or her idol and still look cool. Recommended for top-roping only. One size. Fits kids ages 5Ò–10. Weight: 305 g (10.8 oz) Kids harness that looks very adult Fixed gear loops and belay loop Comfortable and durable Fits 20-27" waists on kids

Black Diamond Momentum AL Climbing Harness, Large

Product Description
Adjustable leg loops offer more versatility New bullhorn-shaped waistbelt is comfortable on longer routes Excellent all-season harness

Petzl Ouistiti Kid's Climbing Harness

Product Description
The Petzl Ouistiti Kids' Climbing Harness works for children from 4 to 9 years old and gives your future rock star a safe start on top rope laps. This full-body harness includes Petzl's DoubleBack buckles for fast, easy, and secure adjustment and a comfortable fit. The center-chest tie-in point keeps your kid from flipping upside down in a fall. The Ouistiti Children's Climbing Harness also includes well-padded leg loops to make your little one comfortable on climb after climb.

Wiz Kid Harness - Youth by Black Diamond

Product Description

Designed for supervised top-roping, the Black Diamond Wiz Kid harness is sure to stoke out the little guy or girl Similar in look, comfort and durability to an adult BD, it fits five-to-10-year-olds perfectly With a fixed belay loop and gear loops, teaching the basics of safety is easy Features: 2 fixed gear loops and a belay loop Pre-threaded Speed Buckle for convenience FOR TOP-ROPING ONLY Specifications: Weight: 11 ounces Haul loop: no Gear loops: 2 Padded waist: yes Padded leg loops: yes Droppable leg loops: yes Waist: 22 to 28 inches

Momentum AL Climbing Harness by Black Diamond

Product Description
Sport, trad, ice or alpine, the biometrically shaped Momentum AL Harness from Black Diamond does it all with adjustable, legloops, lightweight, molded gear loops, and a unique, bullhorn-shaped waistbelt with cushy foam padding and mesh lining Features: Adjustable leg loops accommodate extra clothing, crampons or big boots New molded gear loops are lighter, easier to access and less obtrusive The bullhorn shaped waistbelt is designed for freedom of movement and provides incredible comfort Cushy closed-cell foam and a supple 3-D mesh lining Full strength haul loop Specifications: Weight: 148 ounces Haul loop: yes Gear loops: 4 Padded waist: yes Padded leg loops: yes Droppable leg loops: yesSpecifications based on size Medium

Monday, May 19, 2008

Email dari PP FPTI : Kibarkan Merah Putih di Seluruh Jalur Panjat

Teman-teman semua,

Dalam rangka Hari Kebangkitan Nasional yang ke-100, mari besok Selasa (20/5) kita ke tebing alam, ke tebing buatan, dan memanjat mengibarkan bendera Sang Saka Merah Putih. Semangat juang harus kita bangkitkan.
Catatan kegiatan, dan foto maupun video harap di kirim ke alamat surat PPFTPI maupun email PP FPTI, email saya ini, agar bisa dilaporkan di Jurnal Panjat Tebing Indonesia edisi perdana akhir Juni 2008.


Kabar Lagi Dari Sirkuit Panjat Tebing Sleman Seri 3

Setelah beberapa waktu yang lalu, tempat pelaksanaan SPT Sleman Seri 3 sudah diambil oleh madawirna, maka tadi pagi ada berita lagi mengenai tanggal pelaksanaan. Menurut Mas Hasan calon ketua Panpel, direncanakan SPT Sleman 3 direncanakan tanggal 27 sd 29 Juni 2008. Namun berita ini masih rencana dan belum ditetapkan melalui Surat keputusan, jadi masih ada kemungkinan berubah, namun andaikan berubah, kira-kira tidak jauh dari tanggal itu.

Di Email Sleman ada pertanyaan, kalau atlet Gunung Kidul, Kulon Progo dll boleh ikut SPT Sleman3 gak? Maka jawaban dari kami adalah : SPT Sleman diprogramkan oleh Pengcab FPTI Sleman hanya untuk atlet yang bernaung di wilayah kerja FPTI Pengcab Sleman. Namun demikian apabila ada atlet daerah lain yang menginginkan untuk ikut, dipersilahkan mengajukan permohonan melalui pengcab masing-masing.

Dan bila memang ada surat dari pengcab lain masuk ke pengurus Pengcab FPTI Sleman, akan dilakukan pembahasan dan diambil keputusan, apakah bisa atau tidak. Namun  demikian SPT Sleman memang dirancang hanya untuk klub-klub di area tanggung jawab Pengcab FPTI Sleman, jadi tidak ada keharusan bagi kami untuk menerima. Oleh karena itu akan dilihat dulu alasan permohonan keikutsertaan tersebut memungkinkan atau tidak untuk ditindaklanjuti. Demikian informasi dari kami, semoga ada manfaatnya. Merdeka tanahku, Merdeka Negeri, Bangkitlah Atlet Panjat Sleman, Jayalah Atlet panjat Indonesia. Salam dari Sleman Untuk Indonesia!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Trans Sulawesi, Indonesia

Key Information:
Duration: 21 - 29 day(s)
Group Size: 2 - 15 people
Destination(s): Indonesia
Specialty Categories: Hiking & Trekking
Season: January - December
Airfare Included: No
Tour Customizable: No

Tour Itinerary:

Day 01 : Original City : Jakarta or Bali
Upon your arrival in Original City, directly transfer to Hotel.

Day 02 : Original City Jakarta or Bali - Makassar
Upon your arrival in Makassar directly meeting service with our representative or our guide and take a sightseeing city tour than check in to your choice hotel.

Day 03 : Makassar - Sengkang - Pare Pare
After take breakfast at hotel, our guide will pick you for Pare-Pare via Sengkang, drive 4 - 5 hours by land, we will visit prehistoric cave and possible to see monkey forest en National Park in Camba. Continue to Sengkang, after lunch at local restaurant you’ll embark on a tour Tempe Lake and take a view a floating house, when we back from the lake will visit a Buginese home industries to watch demonstration of traditional silk weaving. Continue to Pare - Pare with a 3 hours by drive by car, directly transfer to the hotel.

Day 04 : Pare pare - Toraja
After breakfast at your hotel, drive to Toraja land will take a rest in Puncak Lakawan with a mountain view called " Erotic Mountain" by local people. In the afternoon we will arrive at Rantepao ( a touristy place in Toraja ) directly check in to your choice hotel.

Day 05 : Toraja Tour
This the day excursion around Tana Toraja entails visits to various ancient villages; lemo, which is famous for its stone grave as well as for its beautiful Toraja house; Kete Kesu Pallawa, a traditional village rich in local handicrafts; Londa, where the dead buried with ceremonies invoking reincarnation; the business places handicrafts Rantepao, Enjoy lunch during the tour and return to your hotel for dinner and overnight stay

Day 06 : Toraja Tour.
You’ll spend the day exploring more of Tana Toraja, learning about the costumes and traditions of several tribes sprawled throughout the region.

Day 07 : Toraja Optional Tour (Rafting = 55 USD / Trekking 35 USD)
In this free program. you can explore Toraja with special interest tour with Rafting or Trekking around the village to see way of life the Torajan people.

Day 08 : Toraja - Pendolo/Lake Poso
After breakfast at hotel Leaving TORAJA for PENDOLO Some stops on the way for the nice views . Arrive in Pendolo direclty check - in at Multa Poso Lake Hotel for overnight and dinner.

Day 09 : Pendolo/Lake Poso - Tentena
We can start our journey after having breakfast. By public boat while crossing the Poso lake and surrounding mountains. This trip takes a few hours. Will visit Meko " Traditional Therapy physical and Medical Center " Lunch will be served in Tentena in the afternoon, check – in a hotel for overnight.

Day 10 : Tentena - Ampana
It will take about 7 hours to Ampana . We will spend the night in ampana

Day 11 : Ampana - Togian Island
Early in the morning , we leave for Togian Island by boat. It take 4 - 5 hours to the wonderful lonely islands.

Day 12 - 13 - 14 Togian Island
Breakfast at hotel. Free program with your leisure, activity trekking, island trip, snorkeling or diving, could be arranged in your hotel. Lunch, dinner and overnight at your Bungalow

Day 15 : Togian Island - Ampana - Luwuk
After breakfast, take a boat for crossing to Ampana on our arrival in Ampana will take lunch. After lunch continue to Luwuk drive 4 - 5 hours by car.

Day 16 : Luwuk - Manado - Tomohon
After breakfast at hotel, transfer to the airport and flight with your guide to Manado, directly transfer to Tomohon / Minahasa Highland directly transfer to hotel. Afternoon free program.

Day 17 : Tomohon Tour
This tour is combination of scenic and historical tour, fresh air and enjoying the beautiful panorama of hilly and mountainous area. Tinoor spot, you can enjoy the beauty of Manado from the high. Tomohon city, a windy and cool city famous for its flowers, volcanoes and the smiling people. Tomohon traditional wet market, selling vegetables, traditional food of Minahasan such as wild pig, Dog, mice even snake. Woloan village an area with a big group of carpenters, they are building the traditional Minahasa wooden house for sell. Temboan hilltop, if not cloudy you can enjoy the fantastic panorama of line if vegetables, farms, Bitung port and Tondano lake with rice field surroundings. Here is a good photo spot.Drive around Tondano lake with its goldfish farm, visiting Pulutan village the producers of clay potteries made in traditional way. Possible to see a Minahasa dance performance (Cakalele).

Day 18 : Tomohon - Tangkoko
After breakfast at hotel (check-out hotel) Tranfer to Manado approximately 01 hours drive-trip. On the way stop at Tinoor to view the entire city of Manado and Bunaken island from this Hill-Top point. Arrive in Manado, stop for lunch and after lunch, proceed to Tangkoko Nature Reserve. Late afternoon, arrive in Tangkoko directly check-in at Mama Rose homestay for your accommodation. Before dark, take a walk into this nature reserve park to see the Tarcius Spectrum, the smallest monkey in the world, and besides this protected animal, you can also see the Hornbill and Black Monkeys
( macaca nigra ), cus-cus. Back to homestay for overnight and dinner.

Day 19 : Tangkoko - Bunaken
After breakfast at homestay Transfer to Manado, Arrive in Manado directly take a boat for Bunaken

Day 20 : Bunaken Leisure
Free time at your own leisure, activity : Snorkeling, Diving and possible to rent bottom glass boat.

Day 21 : Bunaken - Manado
Free at your time in the island, proceed transfer to Manado for city tour after check in to hotel.

Day 22 : Manado - Out
After breakfast transfer to the airport for your flight to your next destination.
More Information Click Here

10 Day Angguruk Trekking

Key Information:
Duration: 10 day(s)
Group Size: 2 - 8 people
Destination(s): Indonesia
Specialty Categories: Hiking & Trekking
Season: January - December
Airfare Included: No
Tour Customizable: No

Trekking Itinerary:
Day 1: Arrival Jayapura - Wamena
Arrival in Jayapura Airport, meet and assist you for the next flight to Wamena in 50 minutes. Our tour takes us to visit the local market. Lunch en route, continue by car to Sumpaima village to see the old mummy, contilola cave before returning to Wamena for dinner and overnight at Baliem Pilamo Hotel or similar.
(L), (D)

Day 2: Wamena – Kosarek - Serkasi
Following breakfast at the hotel, transfer to the airport for the Missionary charter flight to Kosarek. Our trek takes us to the village of Serkasi where we can explore the Yali community. Overnight at a local home in Serkasi.
(B), (L), (D)

Day 3: Serkasi – Pimohon - Telambela
A full day trek to Telambela through Pimohon. Overnight stay at a local church.
(B), (L), (D)

Day 4: Telambela
We have the unique opportunity to watch a Yali tribal ceremony which includes dances and a Pig feast. Overnight stay at a local church.
(B), (L), (D)

Day 5: Telambela - Membahan
We will trek for 6 hours to Membaham. Overnight stay at the home of a teacher.
(B), (L), (D)

Day 6: Membahan - Helariki
Today we trek for 7 hours to Helariki. Overnight stay at the home of a teacher.
(B), (L), (D)

Day 7: Helariki - Angguruk
Our trek takes another 6 hours to Angguruk. Overnight stay at a missionary Guest house.
(B), (L), (D)

Day 8: Angguruk - Wamena
Today our early morning Missionary Charter back to Wamena, affords you a free day to explore the area. Lunch en route, dinner and overnight at Baliem Pilamo Hotel or similar.
(B), (L), (D)

Day 9: Wamena - Jayapura
After breakfast at the hotel, we will transfer to the airport for your return flight to Jayapura. Today the city tour visits Cenderawasih museum, local market, You will have free time to do some exploring on your own. Lunch and dinner will be served at a local restaurant.
(B), (L), (D)

Day 10: Jayapura & Departure
After breakfast at the hotel, we will transfer to the airport for your next destination.
End of Service.
Above program and itinerary is flexible or depend on local conditions, flights, weather, etc
More Information Click Here

5 Day Baliem Valley Trekking

Key Information:
Duration: 5 day(s)
Group Size: 2 - 20 people
Destination(s): Indonesia
Specialty Categories: Hiking & Trekking
Season: January - December
Airfare Included: No
Tour Customizable: No

Tour Itinerary:

Day 1: Arrival Jayapura - Wamena
Arrival in Jayapura Airport, meet and assist you for the next flight to Wamena in 50 minutes. Our tour takes us to visit the local market. Lunch en route, continue by car to Sumpaima village to see the old mummy, contilola cave before returning to Wamena for dinner and overnight at Baliem Pilamo Hotel or similar.
(L), (D)

Day 2: Wamena - Kurima - Kilise
After breakfast at your accommodation, by car to Kurima in the south of Baliem valley, here you will visit the traditional Dani villages and walk entering their sweet potatoes garden. We will hike for approximately 2-3 hours through the beautiful countryside and hearth break panoramic. Prepared lunch in boxes will be served en route to the village.
Dinner and overnight at unique guest house of Dani people.
(B), (L), (D)

Day 3: Kilise - Userem
After breakfast, you are proceed to descend the steep hill down to traditional hanging bridge across Baliem river. Today's walk is a little harder with narrow and slippery paths. But you may also enjoying the nature' s beauty. Trek will be around 3 hours.
Lunch en route, dinner and overnight at teacher’s house or primary school.
(B), (L), (D)

Day 4: Userem - Kurima - Wamena
After breakfast, walk for about 3-4 hours down to Kurima village then cross another hanging bridge over Baliem River. Then from Baliem river 30 minutes till the terminal of Kurima where the car ready to take you back to Wamena. Lunch served en route. After lunch continue to visit Jiwika village to see the old mummy and Traditional Etae Dance. Later afternoon return by car to Wamena.
Overnight at Baliem Pilamo Hotel.
(B), (L), (D)

Day 5: Wamena - Jayapura & Next Destination
After breakfast at your hotel, transfer to the airport leaving for Jayapura. And connection flight to the next destination.

Minimum Per Person Price: 430 US Dollar (USD)
Maximum Per Person Price: 880 US Dollar (USD)

Kopkaka,Koroway Batu-Cannibals Tribe Adventure

We offer you a special with our new adventure & expeditions into deepest jungle of Papua. We fly into the misty highlands of the remote Kopkaka area where we trek along swampy area by crossing 3-4times wild rivers. We trek between tree houses perched far above our heads and cultivated lands. they are so friendly like you but keep watching because cannibals is close to you

Outline Itinerary

Day 01: Arrival Jayapura – Wamena (LD)
Upon arrival at Sentani Airport of Jayapura, meeting service by your local guide following luggage clearance then continue your flight to Wamena ETD 12:00 in approx. 40 minutes, arrive in Wamena you will be transferred to your hotel for check in. rest of the day is free, lunch, dinner and overnight night stay at Baliem Pilamo Hotel .

Day 02: Wamena - Siradala (BLD)
Early morning transfer to the Mission airport for your charter flight departure to Siradala. During 1,5 hour flight you will see the tropical rain forest and some times you can take a picture from the air. Arrive Siradala check in at local house. Rest of the day you may walk around to see Una Ukam and Kopkaka people, both tribe leaving familiar in the village and their activity.

Day 03: Siradala - Kopkaka Tribes (BLD)
Starting trekking together with local porter for about 4-5 hours crossing the river to reach the village. Spending time to enjoy Kopkaka tribe and for their lifestyle. Your overnight stay at local house.

Day 04: Kopkaka Tribes. (BLD)
Crossing the river by paddling canoe where our porters will help in caring all luggage to the opposite. A simple lunch will be served by local cook near the river then continue by walk to reach another Kopkaka village. Our trekking today will take about 5-6 hours. Late afternoon arrive at village and overnight stay at local house or tent

Day 05: Kouer - Jungle (BLD)
Trekking today along the river side about 5-6 hours. We will build a tent near the river there you may join porter go fishing. Overnight stay at tent.

Day 06: Jungle - Korowai Batu / Tree House People (BLD)
Continue by safari trekking all together and some times high tide we can make a raft for crossing the river. Simple lunch served by cook en-route. Our trekking today will take approximately 5-6 hours to reach Korowai Batu (Tree house people). Dinner and overnight stay at Tent.

Day 07: Korowai Batu / Tree House People (BLD)
A safari trekking through out the jungle for about 5-6 hours to reach another Korowai Batu village / Tree House People. Here you may join them for hunting and searching Sago warms Overnight stay at Tent.

Day 08: Koroway / Tree House People (BLD)
Trekking today will take about 5-6 hours. Simple lunch will be served en route by your local cook. Arrive at the village you may enjoy and to see the tree house life style and activity such woman catching fish by traditional ways. Dinner and overnight stay at Tent.

Day 09: Korowai / Tree House People (BLD)
Today you may join them for hunting, and witness of how the local people collecting sago food by traditional way and following to make trap for wild pig / kasuari. Stay at tent.

Day 10: Korowai - Yaniruma.(BLD)
Last trekking about 5-6 hours by crossing dairam river to reach Yaniruma and overnight stay at Local house.

Day 11: Yaniruma (BLD)
After breakfast, a short walk to the airstrip of Yaniruma for catching your Charter flight departure to Wamena. Arrive Wamena airport transfer by car to your hotel for overnight stay.

Day 12: Yaniruma - Wamena (BLD)
After breakfast, a short walk to the airstrip of Yaniruma for catching your Charter flight departure to Wamena. Arrive Wamena airport transfer by car to your hotel for overnight stay.

Day 13: Trekking to the Southern of Baliem Valley (BLD)
(Unnecessary baggage can be stored in Baliem Pilamo Hotel Wamena). Transfer by car to Sogokmo village where you will begin the trekk with accompanied by your porters and cook, the starting point of the trekking to Anjelma for about 3-4 hours.
From Anjelma trek 2-3 hours to our destination village of Kilise, Along the trails, you will meet local people in their activities and yet the scenery is very beautiful around. Lunch served en route. In the afternoon you may explore the traditional villages and learn about the people way of life. Dinner and stay at local guest house of Kilise.

Day 14: Trekking and return Wamena (BLD)
After breakfast, walk for about 4-5 hours then cross another hanging bridge over Baliem River. Then from Baliem river 30 minutes till the village of Kurima and Sogokmo where the car ready to take you back to Wamena. Lunch served en route Dinner at local restaurant in town. O/N : Baliem Pilamo Hotel or similar

Day 15: Wamena – Jayapura – Next Destinations. (B)
After breakfast, catch your flight return to Jayapura and continue the flight on to Jakarta or Bali.

Please note: above program/itinerary is flexible or depend on local condition, flight, weather, etc...and let us know if you think that above itinerary is too long.

Tour Price:
2person =US$ 1.970/person
3person =US$.1.690/person
4person =US$.1.375/person
5person =US$.1.190/person
6person =US$.1.080/person
7person =US$ 1.000/person
8person =US$ 1.000/person

Key Information:
Duration: 15 - 18 day(s)
Group Size: 2 - 8 people
Destination(s): Indonesia
Specialty Categories: Hiking & Trekking
Season: January - December
Airfare Included: No
Tour Customizable: No
More Information Click Here

Saturday, May 17, 2008

News From : Crack Addiction — Fissures of the West, from seams to bomb-bays

In North America, crack climbing means selfsufficiency: gauging size, assessing your rack, and slamming in gear as needed. It also means favoring technique over power, or rather, learning to harness your inner brute to cup and jam, ring-lock and foot torque, armbar, chimney, and chickenwing — because go-for-broke laybacking and praying for face holds often aren’t “technique” enough. More information please Click

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Climbing Kilimanjaro is on many people’s list of lifetime achievements. Around 22,000 climbers set out each year to conquer it, making it the most climbed mountain in the world. None of the routes require mountaineering skills, specialized equipment, or even previous climbing experience. Still, hiking to the Roof of Africa is physically and mentally demanding and should not be underestimated. Mount Kilimanjaro can be climbed at any time of the year, but the rainy seasons (April-June; November-December) make the forest more slippery and the summit might be blocked by snow. Be prepared for climatic extremes, from rain in the forest, intense sun in the alpine desert and freezing temperatures at the summit. It’s essential to have warm clothes and a good sleeping bag. More information Click below :
Sports Tour Packages - Order FREE Travel Brochure!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Kabar Dari Sirkuit Panjat Tebing Sleman Seri 3

Setelah menunggu beberapa hari sejak selesainya SPT Sleman Seri 2, akhirnya ada yang mengajukan diri sebagai tuan rumah untuk SPT Seri 3 yaitu Madawirna Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Walaupun baru sebatas lewat sms, namun pengajuan segera direspon oleh pengurus FPTI Sleman dengan menggelar rapat dan pemilihan FPTI Delegate yaitu Mas Awan setiawan yang menjabat sebagai BIDKOM FPTI Pengcab Sleman.

Prosedur selanjutnya adalah pengajuan secara resmi dari calon tuan rumah dengan mengisi formulir yang sudah disediakan, pengecekan venus, kepanitian, Juri jalur dll barulah diterbitkan surat rekomendasi oleh FPTI Sleman kepada calon tuan rumah. Semoga proses berjalan dengan lancar dan sirkuit 3 yang rencananya digelar bulan juni 2008 tidak mengalami pengunduran jadwal.

Bagi temen-temen atlet yang telah ikut seri 1 dan 2 diharapkan dapat ikut di seri 3 dan bagi yang belum ikut masih terbuka kesempatan untuk menjajal kemampuan di ajang ini. Nomor yang diperlombakan sama dengan sirkuit 2 yaitu :
1. Rintisan Umum Putra
2. Rintisan Umum Putri
3. Rintisan Yunior Putra
4. Rintisan Yunior Putri
Bagi temen-temen yunior yang ingin ikut latihan bersama, fpti pengcab sleman menyediakan fasilitas alat dan pelatih di Mapala Unprok setiap hari sabtu. Demikian informasi dari kami, semoga ada manfaatnya.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Pelatihan Atlet Panjat Tebing Usia Dini Pengcab FPTI Sleman

Dalam rangka mempersiapkan atlet yunior menghadapi Sirkuit Daerah dan Kejurnas Yunior 2008, Pengcab FPTI Sleman menyelenggarakan pelatihan atlet usia dini. Untuk sementara ini latihan bersama dilakukan setiap hari sabtu di Papan Panjat Unprok Yogyakarta dibawah bimbingan  asisten pelatih Sangaji Abied Dharma. Untuk itu bagi temen-temen yang ingin bergabung dengan usia antara 7 sd 18 tahun dipersilahkan menghubungi Mas Aji 0818273452 atau datang langsung setiap hari sabtu di Papan Panjat Unprok Yogyakarta.

Demikian pemberitahuan ini, bagi yang mempunyai adik, teman, saudara, kenalan atau sapa saja di wilayah kabupaten sleman dipersilahkan menyebarluaskan informasi ini. Semoga ada manfaatnya

Surabaya Climbing Competition

Salam On Sight..

Tgl 14-18 Mei 2008 di surabaya tepatnya di atrium Tunjungan Plaza sby ada kompetisi panjat tebing dengan kategori:
Lead Umum Putra dan putri,
Speed Umum putra dan putri,
Boulder umum putra dan putri,
Lead Junior 19 Th putra dan putri
dan Lead Spider Kids (8-13 th)putra dan putri.

Total Hadiah 30 juta.
Pendaftaran 30.000 per kategori.
demikian informasi dan semoga bermanfaat.

Jabat erat,
Robert As

Monday, May 5, 2008

News From

1. Near-Winter New Route on Alberta's North Face by By Dougald MacDonald
Americans Vince Anderson and Steve House climbed a new route through the rock headwall atop Mt. Alberta’s 3,250-foot north face in late March—the first time this daunting Canadian Rockies wall has been ascended in full winter conditions. More article read here
2. Austrian Woman Climbs 11th 8,000'er By Dougald MacDonald
Austrian Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner summited 8,167-meter Dhaulagiri in Nepal on May 1, giving her 11 of the 14 main 8,000-meter summits on Earth, more than any other woman. Read More article click here
3. Kinder Creates Utah Testpiece By Dougald MacDonald
Joe Kinder has completed Golden Direct (5.14c/d) at the Cathedral near St. George, Utah. The 90-foot limestone route adds a direct start to Golden (hard 5.14b), while eliminating that route’s sit-down rest, to create a power-endurance route with about 50 moves. Read More article click here
4. Yuji Hirayama Still Has the Power By Dougald MacDonald
Japan’s Yuji Hirayama, one of the great all-around rock climbers of the past decade, has focused on bouldering at home this spring, with impressive results. On April 15, Hirayama made the third ascent of the Dai Koyamada endurance problem Uma (V14) at Shiobara. Koyamada, the best-known Japanese boulderer, established the 22-move problem in 2006. Read More article click here
5. Colorado Headpoint Gets Four Repeats By Megan Parks
The trad-style/headpoint testpiece Must’a Been High (5.13c R), on the Rincon Wall in Eldorado Springs Canyon, Colorado, saw a record four ascents over a three-week period in late February, early March. T. Read More article click here
Photo source :

Thursday, May 1, 2008

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